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About Laura 

Yoga has been the definitive change in my life’s path. From the first yoga class I attended when I was 17, to becoming a Yoga teacher in 2015. From then and until now has been a journey of self-discovery. Despite having breaks in my practice in the beginning and trying different pursuits is such as running, dancing, and moving my body.  I always found my way back to my practice, and to what has now become the heart of everything I do. 

Continuous and regular practice has given me the tools to cope with the waves of life, and importantly learning to let go of anything not serving me. By anchoring my focus and awareness into the present moment,  I have found a powerful connection to my body and breath. Giving myself time to slow down allowing me to deal with anxiety, emotions, and self-belief.  A sense of a universal energy, a higher consciousness, and embracing the wider world has helped connected to something more vast, moving out of my body and connecting to something deeper.


Awareness of this union of mind, body and consciousness has helped me to grow and to feel love more abundantly and the ability to forgive and find kindness more accessible. Practicing self-observation and enquiry, allowing healing to take place. A commitment to show up for myself, to practice and to embrace my true nature. Through this amazing journey I now do what I love.


To share the gift of yoga with others is truly amazing, so they can experience this for themselves in their own unique way, on their own unique path. Finding truth and acceptance is to find, a place of peace and happiness.



Study & qualifications


2015 – Bristol School of Yoga, RYT 200hrs

2015 – Ashtanga Intensive, Melanie Cooper

2019 – Yoga & mindfulness for Children, Yogabeez

2020 – Bristol School of Yoga, Advanced Yoga training, RYT 300hrs

2021 - Yin Yoga Intensive, Melanie Cooper

2022 - Creative Vinyasa Intensive, Ashley Russell

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